
Quote request form
with 3D designer

Replace your "Get quote" or "Contact us" with
configurator web form

Get a simple web form on your website. Customer fills in a few parameters to open his 3D model. Let him experience the virtual model before sending a quote request. Let him play and save your time configuring his building. Get better leads and win more deals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked
Is the web form customizable?

Yes. You can decide which parameters to ask customers or how the form is arranged. We just take the inputs and open a 3D building model on HiStruct.

How do we get the HiStruct form on our website?

We provide the HTML code and you paste it on our website. Your web admin can also help to link it to your existing form.

Can we automatically send the data to our CRM system?

Yes. We can automatically send each new record to your CRM or database together with a link to the 3D visualisation.

Template Questions
What if we need to add or remove some items from the form after publishing?

We can help you adjust the web form any time to make it the most useful. We either deliver a new HTML code or can manage your site directly (if you want us to be contributor editors).

Can we limit the available inputs for some items?

Yes. You decide which inputs are relevant to your business and can therefore be requested by customers.

How to guide the customer throught the individual parameters?

The best praxis is to guide customers with illustrative pictures or sketches. Our HTML code can give hints for non-experts for selected building paramaters.

Ready to explore HiStruct?

Increase sales, reduce processing of quote requests and improve your customer experience.